Monthly Membership Luncheon Meetings
Network with colleagues, enjoy an outstanding lunch, participate in the business meeting, and enjoy speakers on topics relevant to the hospitality industry. Hosted by members.
Monthly Convention & Visitors Bureaus Updates
The Greensboro and High Point CVBs give detailed reports on upcoming conventions and industry events.
Monthly Newsletter
The Association publishes a monthly newsletter, Short Sheets, to provide news, meeting notices, update of area conventions, Guilford County concerns and distribution of Association materials. Affordable advertising opportunities are available in the newsletter.
Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunities are available to serve on volunteer committees or participate in the Association’s annual fundraiser.
Database Verification
The Association keeps a current database of all Guilford County hotels, motels and contacts.
Legislative Advocacy
The Association has a large voice in such issues as tax increases, tourism funding, and industry regulations.
Membership Directory
The Association has a Membership Directory available online for members.
Bed Making Contest
Your housekeeping associates can compete to be the
Fastest Bedmaker in Guilford County at our annual Holiday Luncheon.
Wage Survey
The association conducts an annual wage survey of local hotels and provides the results to members for use in hiring and budgeting.
Additional Allied Member Benefits
GCHA provides the opportunity for you to meet with your clients and peers at monthly meetings and other activities.
Hosting a Luncheon
Allied members may also host an association luncheon meeting
Allied Member Showcase
Each year the Association sponsors a tradeshow with free exhibitor space exclusively for allied members of GCHA and free admission. This is a great opportunity to showcase your products and services.
Allied Member Spotlight
At each monthly meeting, one allied member is spotlighted. You may set up a booth with marketing materials, give a five minute presentation during the program, and offer a door prize. The Allied Member Spotlight is also highlighted in Short Sheets.